envy of your friends, when you’re just
starting out with smoking you may find that a vertical water smoker is a much
better investment. It’s easy to spot vertical smokers for sale, since they look
a bit like an upright bullet (or kind of like R2D2 from Star Wars). They have a
relatively small footprint, which makes them great for apartment dwellers or
those with limited outdoor space. Vertical smokers are much easier to handle
than offset smokers, but are still good enough for competition smokers.
Vertical smokers unique design allows it
to almost guarantee consistent temperature maintenance at the smoking sweet
spot of 225°F. The water pan (hence the name vertical water smoker) helps keep
the meat moist, even after 10 hours of smoking. The three-part construction also
makes it easy to add more fuel and access the meat.
Much of what makes the vertical water
smoker appealing is how easy it is to use. First, you light the chimney starter
and add the embers to the charcoal ring at the bottom. From there, you put the
center section on top and then fill the water pan. This can be filled with
anything from water, to beer, to cider, or another liquid that will help add
flavour and moisture. The food then goes on the wire racks over the water pan.
You add some wood chips to the coals and adjust the vents on the bottom and top
to get up that 225 temperature for traditional barbecue. Then, check the
temperature every half hour or so using either the smoker’s built-in
thermometer or a temperature gauge you’ve inserted before you started smoking.
If your smoker runs too hot, close the
bottom vents and most of the top vents to limit oxygen flow and cool the fire
(or you can add cool water to the water pan). If the smoker runs too cold, open
both the vents on the top and bottom, add a couple extra lumps of charcoal, and
wait for the extra oxygen to work its magic.